Keeping the Momentum with Challenging Activities

You've gotten your child interested in rock climbing. They go on mountain bike adventures with you. You've even got them excited for ice climbing: So how do you keep the momentum? How do you keep them interested, and excited? Help them feel accomplished I have written an article called, "Creating Adventurous Children" in which I talk about keeping the activity challenging, but easy enough so they can feel a sense of accomplishment when they overcome. Feeling proud and accomplished is vital so they don't get discouraged. My praise only goes so far, especially the older my daughter gets. She knows I love her, and she knows I'm going to be proud of her. On the first few times of doing something new, she grins ear to ear when I tell her how proud I am of her. The praise eventually loses its luster though if I'm the only person giving it. Keep it fresh We've been rock climbing together now for almost 2 years. During this...
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